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Re: Debian and Unicode line drawing

On Tue, 01 Apr 2014 07:14:24 -0400 (EDT), Aleksander Kurczyk wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using PuTTY, Maybe it's not a new software but it works properly
> with other distributions (CentOS/Fedora etc.) that uses Unicode by
> default.
> I noticed that every frame in default Debian configuration in PuTTY
> is displayed as the rows of ppppppppppppp and qqqqqqqqqq instead of
> those frame ASCII characters.  PuTTY and every of my Debian
> installation is set to use Unicode UTF-8 encoded characters so ncurses
> etc. should use those characters to display frames instead of this
> vt100 escape code and ppppppppp/qqqqqqqqqqq after it.
> PuTTY and KiTTY is expecting this and not those vt100 compatible
> characters.  PuTTY/KiTTY can use those vt100 charasters without any
> problems but not in the Unicode mode.  In this mode it expects
> normal UTF-8 characters.
> I can make ncurses applications use Unicode characters with the
> variable "export NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS=1" set in my .bashrc.
> But not all applications uses ncurses.  For example dpkg-reconfigure
> still uses those vt100 escape code and ppppppppppp/qqqqqqqqqqqqq
> characters.  How can i make it Unicode compatible?

I'm not sure if I can help or not, but here's what I do know.
On the Debian side, use

   dpkg-reconfigure locales


   dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

Make sure the default locale is UTF-8.  (For example, en_US.UTF-8.)
Make sure UTF-8 is selected as the character mapping in console-setup.
Then shutdown and reboot.

On the PuTTY side, make sure that PuTTY is expecting UTF-8 characters.
In the PuTTY configuration dialog, select

   Window -> Translation

Then, in the drop-down box under "Remote character set", select UTF-8.
Also, make sure that the "Use Unicode line drawing code points" radio
button is selected on the same screen.

Assuming that you are running PuTTY under Windows, many Windows fonts
are incomplete.  Most of the fixed-width fonts are missing some of the
characters that are used in manual pages.  As a result, a hollow box
will appear in their place.  On my Windows machine at work, the only
installed font that I could find that would display a hyphen correctly
is Consolas.  An internet post I read also suggested DejaVu Sans Mono,
but I couldn't try it because it is not installed in my machine.
In PuTTY configuration, select

   Window -> Appearance

Then change the font.  Experiment with different fonts.  Display a
man page that has hyphens, such as

   man fstab

and see which fonts display a hyphen and which display a box.  Go
with one which displays the hyphen correctly.  Maybe this will help
your other problems.

  .''`.     Stephen Powell    
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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