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Re: systemd: some more questions

On 13/02/14 19:12, Gian Uberto Lauri wrote:
> One more question about systemd: 
> let's assume that I have to execute a script after S10checkfs/
> S11mountall and before S13networking.

My experience with systemd is limited, but so far (Wheezy) everything
"just worked". I haven't been using it long enough to consider employing
it in production environments - but Jessie is a long way from stable so
I'm not overly concerned, just mildly curious. So far I'm impressed with
the increased configurability, and especially, the faster boot-times
(SLA goodness!).

Make the script S12whatever and then install systemd(?)

# apt-get install systemd systemd-sysv;reboot

> Do I find a clear, reliable set of instructions to achieve this goal?

Do "man system" and "man systemd.conf" not suffice?

I don't know where I'd find 'just' the answer to just that question if
the context was systemv.... so I expect some additional reading could be

If the man pages don't answer the question perhaps a bug report would be
in order. Additionally you could look at:-
https://wiki.debian.org/systemd (which is a good place to add anything
you find lacking)

I found those using a search engine, but I didn't look very hard
(because they answered my questions).

> At this time my fear is that systemd turns out as a very nice tool for
> personal pc but a PITA for servers/vm (as happened for upstep).

Those "fears" have been considered, debated, and discussed ad-infinitum
by Debian Technical and Debian developers - and those scenarios, and
others, have been taken into account.
The enemy of fear (and faith) is knowledge ;)

If you are running Jessie on production servers systemd is the least of
your problems (IMNSHO). :)

I've mostly tested systemd on servers, the only DE I've used it on was LXDE.

Upstep? DYM upstart??
Isn't upstart an Ubuntu thing?

Kind regards

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