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Re: sad but true, Linux sucks, a bit

2014/1/15 Jarth Berilcosm <jarth@yahoo.com>

Looking back on using Linux as a desktop OS for almost 15 years we've
seen tons of features added but not much in terms of 'bite'.

Hardware support is a lot better but still sucks when it comes to
consumer multi-media, gaming performance etc.

Someone wrote down a well documented list on all this and more



Well, here is *just another one* (article) on the <metaphor> left/right tail of the normal distribution. </metaphor>
Linux it's not perfect (anyone is surprised?) depending on who you put on X axis. Full stop.

I won't comment the whole because I want to save the neurons and synapses but want you to notice that audio *problems* references in the article are - in order of appearance - from 2007, 2009, 2004, 2012 (this last being a stupid thing about audio group)...

my 0.02€

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