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harddrive spins down and up again after 5s


my freshly installed debian wheezy is spinning the harddrive up and down all the time gnome is running for a few minutes when it happens the first time, drive noise goes away and it is still for about 5s. then it spins up right after.

hdparm -B /dev/sda
says that its set to 127 which means that spinning down is allowed but i dont know after which time.
hdparm -S xyz /dev/sda
is apparently used to set the drive spindown time, spindown afer yxz seconds with no disk access to save power

cant read the -S value from the drive, option needs a time argument.
setting it to 252 says that spindown will occour after 21minutes of a idle harddrive.
with this value the drive stays on and the constanst spinup/down is gone.

but it would be nice to still have the drive spindown and stay off for some time for power consumption,
this is what i observed so far:

at install time the "laptop" option from tasksel was preselected and installed
- shouldnt this install the laptop-mode-tools? because it doesnt.

when laptop-mode-tools are insalled the drive still keeps spinning up and down constantly ive read in the config that the drive is supposed to go out and writes to the drive are buffered so that when power fails one would loose data but in the greater sheme battery live would be preserved.

so how do you get laptop-mode-tools to work or how would you troubleshoot why it doesnt?

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