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Re: Hosting advice

Celejar grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> On Fri, 01 Nov 2013 09:22:37 -0700
> David Guntner <david@guntner.com> wrote:
>> I've been a happy customer of Dreamhost for many years.  They support
>> mailing lists, announcement lists, as many hosted mailboxes and
>> forwarding addresses as you can handle, offer both shared hosting and
>> VPS services, and are running Linux.  Currently my VPS is Debian, though
>> they announced recently that they're going to be switching to Ubuntu so
>> that they can get new software updates faster than Debian typically
>> supplies them.  But I figure that will still *feel* like Debian, so I'm
>> not that worried about it. :-)
> I'm curious: how important is getting updates fast in the context of a
> server? I understand that for desktops, some want the latest features,
> or support for new hardware, etc. but servers? Doesn't it make more
> sense to just run something like Debian *stable*?
> I am no hosting expert, so it's not a criticism - I'm just curious.

I can't answer that.  It was a while ago that they made the announcement
(and my VPS is still on Debian, so they're clearly not making the
mistake of "rushing it") and they provided the reason why they wanted
more current versions of stable software which made sense to me at the
time.  But I don't remember the details well enough to be able to make
what I recall make any sense in a posting here. :-)

I do know that they treat their business seriously, and in all the years
I've been with them, I haven't seen them just blindly rush into anything
that was going to make a drastic change.  So I'm not that worried about
it.  There might be some bumps as the transition occurs ('cause face it,
*when* have any of us *ever* seen a transition of this type go 100%
smoothly with no problems at all), but I believe they'll handle it well
and take care of any problems when it happens quickly.


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