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Re: syslog

On Jul 16, 2013, at 5:20 PM, Michael Biebl wrote:

> sysklogd is dead, and has been removed from the archive. You shouldn't
> use it anymore.

I think the problem here is that I installed Wheezy on this machine with a dist-install. I'd never done that before, and it's near the top of my list to reinstall from a netinstall CD. I don't know if dist-install just doesn't work, or if it just doesn't work going from Lenny to Wheezy. I do know that netinstall works.

> rsyslog and syslog-ng are both featureful syslog implementations.
> rsyslog is the default in Debian since 3 releases now. It understands
> the syntax of the old sysklogd, so if you familiar with that, this is
> probably your best bet.

I hear that rsyslog is a good piece of software; I'll give it a try.

> As for all three enabled: That should not be possible: Those package
> conflict with each other. If you really managed to install all three of
> them, then you must have forced apt/dpkg to do so.

No, I had a bent mess. And, I'm ashamed to say, I believed Webmin. There were startup scripts for the three of them in /etc/init.d, but there was no rsyslog binary (there is now). And is was syslog-ng that was running. If rsyslog is the standard Debian logging daemon, I have no idea how syslog-ng was even on the disk, to say nothing of why it was running.

Thanks, Michael. I'd never paid a lot of attention to the log daemon before, and I couldn't understand what (I thought) was going on...

Glenn English
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