Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?
On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 10:51 +0200, "Morel Bérenger" wrote:
> In last kernels (around 3.8), it seems that there is also support for
> better 3D acceleration
Nouveau was a PITA for a long time, but nowadays it usually works like a
charm, 3D acceleration is very good.
> xrandr
As mentioned by me in a previous post. You might need a modeline and
you can get the needed values by
The command "cvt <resolution v-frequency>, e.g.:
cvt 1152 864 90
Political correctness
I'm working for human rights and childcare, one of my latest jobs was
working 1 year with children from more than 40 nations. Many of them
ask for political asylum, because they will be killed in their
Everybody who calls me a racist, please send me a list with Islamic
nations that care for human rights.
Another issue is sexism. In Germany we've got locations where it's
forbidden for male musicians to doff a t-shirt on stage. Everybody who
advocate this, please send me recommendations how to avoid a heat
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