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Re: a tool to have specific images on X root window

Le 18.01.2013 22:34, Javier Vasquez a écrit :
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 3:11 PM, <berenger.morel@neutralite.org> wrote:

Le 18.01.2013 21:42, Erwan David a écrit :

Le 18/01/2013 21:38, Javier Vasquez a écrit :

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:13 PM, Erwan David <erwan@rail.eu.org> wrote:

Le 18/01/2013 21:10, Erwan David a écrit :

Le 18/01/2013 21:02, berenger.morel@neutralite.org a écrit :


I would like to know if someone knows a tool like xphoon or xplanet,
allowing to use a simple image (I do not mind the format: I can
images by script) instead of planets with calculations.

It have no real use, except making my workspaces a background image
will probably become useless in the second :D

Oh, last thing. I do not, and do not intend to, use big DE like kde, gnome, xfce, lightweight dependencies is a requirement. Stuff with the
mind of lxde is an option, but I did not find a package giving only
feature (I already have a window manager and a menu application, even
if the
last one does not provide me what I would like).

Thanks in advance for suggestions.

xroot ?

Or xloadimage, I had forgotten.

xloadimage is perfect, thanks a lot!
I did not found any xroot software, but there is a "$xrootconsole $image -onroot", but this one simply writes a file on root window, but in a raw form. Nice for text, I guess it could be useful to draw informations from
sensors, by example.
Thanks for both those tools.

feh (depends upon imlib2)...


Must come from one of the graphic format decoding library...

feh is not able to draw stuff on root window, as far as I know? I'm already using it as my viewer, and I like it, and have not found anything related to
such feature.

Thanks anyway.

Have you tried the background setting options?  In the man page:

feh can also be used as a background setter. Unless you pass the --no-fehbg option, it will store the command line necessary to set the background in ~/.fehbg, so to have your background restored every time you start X, you can add "eval $(cat ~/.fehbg)" to your X startup
     script (like ~/.xinitrc).

     Note that all options except --bg-tile support Xinerama.  For
instance, if you have multiple screens connected and use e.g.
     feh will center the image on each screen.  You may even specify
more than one file, in that case, the first file is set on screen 0,
     second on screen 1, and so on.

Use --no-xinerama to treat the whole X display as one screen when
setting wallpapers.

             Center the file on the background.  If it is too small,
it will be surrounded by a black border
             Like --bg-scale, but preserves aspect ratio by zooming
the image until it fits.  Either a horizontal or a vertical part of
             image will be cut off
             Like --bg-fill, but scale the image to the maximum size
that fits the screen with black borders on one side.
             Fit the file into the background without repeating it,
cutting off stuff or using borders.  But the aspect ratio is not
Tile (repeat) the image in case it is too small for the screen
             Do not write a ~/.fehbg file

I've used just "--bg-fill" and it works quiet well for me.


Le 18.01.2013 22:35, Kelly Clowers a écrit :
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 1:11 PM, <berenger.morel@neutralite.org> wrote:
feh --bg-scale /path/to/image.file

feh --bg-center /path/to/image.file

I believe

Kelly Clowers

My apologies, I did not understood correctly those options. Thanks, that's great! But now, I'll have to do a choice :D I think I'll use xloadimage, since it sounds to support changes in rotation better. Have not tried yep with multi-screen and played with options, though, so I'll probably do some experiments with both.

Thanks for those informations, they are exactly what I needed!

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