Re: disk labels mismatch
> Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 19:43:50 -0800
> Subject: Re: disk labels mismatch
> I'd suggest that you gather usage information for your various
> partitions/ directories, back up everything, wipe the disks, and start
> over.
I thought I came to a Linux forum where people
solve problems not scrap them. The latter sounds like
from a Windoze forum.
Some more details. sdb is not mounted but I can easily
mount it. Then I'll have two "/" two "/home" etc. This is
because sdb is from an old system. The problem is that
I'm afraid to reformat sdb because it has a bootable
label and sdc as well. So, the first thing I would like
to find out is which disk the system boots from: sdb
or sdc? The next thing is: If sdb, where is the boot
sector? in the master boot sector (outside of the
partions of the disk) or in the volume boot sector
(inside the first partition of the disk)? If the
later I must not reformat the disk. The third question
is: How can I move the boot sectors? I would like to
move the boot sector to sda and remove boot labels
from sdb and sdc. But sdc also hosts Windoze 7? Is
that a problem. So, I should change grub, fstab, and
what else? And how?
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