Re: Sharing sound between users on wheezy.
Good time of the day, Andrei.
Thank You, Andrei, for Your time and answer. You wrote:
> Since as far as I understand you need JACK anyway I suggest you
> configure the system around it. Let it take control of your sound
> card and make sure any other applications output directly to it. Most
> modern applications should be able to do that (I only checked
> mplayer2 in wheezy though).
Good idea but how to achieve that?! As I understand, the jackd should
be run not under root and then clients connect to it, but by each user
who needs it. Of course - You can guess - it is impossible w/o my
proper setup of multi usage of SB. Hence we return back to my primar
question - how to do that?! - I have cited here ALSA file that allows
or should allow multi-usage of SB but it seems not to work. So, I'm
looking for my set up review - what is wrong/missing and why for some
app.s SB multi-usage seems to work, and for others at the same time -
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