Re: Debian Wheezy is not booting after install
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On 01/08/2013 09:46 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Steve Dierker wrote:
>> I have a little file server running on an Intel Atom with 2GB
>> Ram.
> Sounds good.
>> It has 4 1TB hard drives, two of them connected to the internal
>> SATA controller
> Should be okay.
>> and two of them connected to an SiliconImage 3114 controller in
>> the PCI-Slot.
> Probably okay. But there have been problems with drivers on some
> cards. Probably okay but approach cautiously.
>> My problem is: I install the system without any error or
>> complications but when I boot the system it always hangs when
>> starting grub. The last things displayed are:
>> GRUB loading. Welcome to GRUB!
>> Thats all. So does anyone of you has an idea why this happens?
> That is immediately before when grub will then clear the screen and
> display either a text menu or a graphical menu. I always prefer a
> text menu for reliability. It may be trying to use a graphical
> menu and failing to do so. I forget how these are selected at
> installation time.
> Note also that the installation media may be used as rescue media
> after system installation time. I am not quite sure the right
> combination to suggest but I would boot into rescue mode, start a
> shell in the system environment, and then edit the grub boot
> options. I am thinking set GRUB_TERMINAL=console in
> /etc/default/grub and then run update-grub to re-freeze that
> configuration. But perhaps something different would be more
> appropriate.
>> Does it have anything to do with the external SATA controller?
> It is not yet clear based upon the data so far. It might be. Or
> it might be a problem with the graphical screen from grub.
> Since you are freshly installing and have no data already on these
> disks I suggest an experiment to eliminate the possibilities. I
> would unplug the PCI card and unplug all of the disks leaving just
> one single disk plugged into the SATA port. Then install again.
> I would not select any desktop environment so that it will install
> more quickly and since it is not needed since this is a throwaway
> test. If it works and you get to the grub menu and all is good
> then you have a point to start. Then add in one thing at a time
> and repeat. This will allow you to diagnose where things are
> failing.
> Bob
So, that’s what I tested today.
I decided to check the SiliconImage SATA controller first, so I
unplugged it from the mainboard including both hard drives connected
to it.
Then I booted the system and voilà GRUB was appearing normaly and I
could but the system with some failures because two hard drives where
Ok, so grub has a problem with the SiliconImage controller. But is
there anyway to fix that?
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