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Re: Wheezy Installer Auto-Partition Oddity

On Thu, Jan 03, 2013 at 10:15:09AM -0800, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> Thanks.  Now, I know it's not just my install or a quirk in VirtualBox.  It's the installer.
> Since my original post, I've been reading up on GPT.  Based on that, plus what others have posted here, it seems the cause of the gaps is a combination of aligning partitions based 4096 byte sectors, regardless of whether they are that size, and LVM needing unpartitioned space between partitions for metadata whether you're using LVM or not.  Mostly, the latter, I think.

I'm not sure where you're getting the impression that LVM puts data
outside the partition boundary, because that just seems wrong to me. For
one, LVM can work with a whole disk (pvcreate /dev/sda). It's a little
hard to store metadata on areas of disk that don't exist. Secondly, the
whole point of partitions is to say "this part of the disk is what you
can use". Putting data outside of a partition is terribly brittle and
you tend to get horrible breakage when you do it.

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