Re (2): Running vlc from another machine.
From: Bob Proulx <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2013 15:48:11 -0700
> I recommend looking at the vlc network streaming interface.
Will do. Thanks.
My intention was to add sound interpretation capability to my
task server, "",
with this case.
*.WAV ) DISPLAY=:0 vlc "file:///home/peter/"$1 ;;
Or this.
*.WAV ) cvlc "file:///home/peter/"$1 ;;
(Still haven't found any explanation of cvlc.)
The iceweasel cases work with no problem; but any WAV
plays endlessly and appears to keep a process for each
According to the incron documentation, IN_CLOSE_WRITE
is the trigger for a file being written. vlc shouldn't
need to write the file; it should only be read. So how
are vlc processes after the first started? Any ideas
are welcome.
Regards, ... Peter E.
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