Re: Running vlc from another machine. wrote:
> At the console,
> peter@dalton:~$ vlc *.WAV
> starts a vlc instance and produces audio.
I'm going to assume (dangerously) that since you're running vlc rather
than cvlc you don't really mean "console" but "local X Windows screen".
> The same command via a telnet connection is not so successful.
Don't run telnet, use ssh instead.
Ssh is usually (almost always, by default) configured to carry the
display across the connection transparently, so if you must use telnet
you'll have to handle that in some other way.
> Also, vlc doesn't recognize the display as iceweasel does.
> peter@dalton:~$ vlc --display=:0 *.WAV
> vlc: unknown option or missing mandatory argument `--display=:0'
DISPLAY=:0 vlc *.WAV
export DISPLAY=:0
vlc *.WAV
cvlc *.WAV
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