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Re: Installation

On Lu, 17 sep 12, 18:17:55, lee wrote:
> What you are saying is that I should get a working fridge first that
> delivers perfect ice cubes before getting a fridge that could deliver
> ice cubes because otherwise my chances of successfully getting the
> fridge to deliver perfect ice cubes optimally are greatly reduced ---
> because it's too difficult to figure out how to put the water into the
> fridge without a working fridge to learn from.  And if my kitchen is too
> small for all the fridges, I have to move to another place first so that
> I have a larger kitchen.

No, but rather you should make sure *your* fridge has enough space in 
your living place, an adequate power socket, and appropriate 

All that information is included in the refrigerators documentation, but 
how do you find out about these before buying and taking your fridge 
home? You ask the dealer or ask them to let you read the manual *in 
advance* ;)

Kind regards,
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