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Re: Installation

On Ma, 11 sep 12, 14:24:22, lee wrote:
> The question is not what is part of what, the question is what is
> needed. Since you need a working computer to install an OS on a
> computer, why can't we have that with an installation media so we can
> switch between the actual installer and the working system simply by
> pressing a key/button?

You can press (Ctrl+)Alt+F1 to get a console :p

> When the actual installer asks me a question I cannot answer or when I
> find out I need to download something to proceed with the installation,
> I can just switch to the working system and google for an answer or
> download what I need. That's basically what the working system needs to
> provide me with; I don't need to run gimp or to compile emacs on it.

Yes, I know what you mean. This is called a "live installer" and I 
understand Ubuntu has one: you boot into a live system you can try out 
and if you want to install it you select something from the menu and the 
installation runs in the background.

I'm guessing Debian's Installer would need quite some rework to enable 
it to work on an already running (possibly live) system.

Kind regards,
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