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Re: not in X. man command does not respect set bell-style visible

> Because PAGER isn't set by default.
> You can set it in "/etc/environment" or "~/.bashrc" or "~/.profile".

ok i put the line
export PAGER="less -q"
in the .bash_aliases 
file (or in .bashrc)
and that worked.

however putting 
PAGER="less -q"
alone seemed to set the variable (ie echo $PAGER
responded less -q)

but it did not change the behavior of say "man pdl"

> Yes, this all the result of the alternatives "system".
> Is it "/usr/bin/pager" or "/usr/pager"?

yes it is "/usr/bin/pager" 

 "/usr/pager" does not exist on my systems

> You could create a "/bin/lessq" wrapper (and incur an extra cost) and
> use "update-alternatives" to default to "/bin/lessq".

how would one add any alternative to the alternatives system
after creating the /bin/lessq file
(containing the line something line 
less -q $1 
i guess)

> It's "export PAGER..." not "export $PAGER...".

thank you that helped!



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