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Re: NFS automount not happening

Bob Proulx wrote:
> I don't think using dhcp is correct because the network is already up
> and assigned.  But perhaps it is because that would allow the system
> to migrate to a different address after the lease expires.  I don't
> know.  I didn't do any testing of that configuration.  (Maybe later.)

I tried a test using the "dhcp" configuration.  Basically at boot the
same behavior (not mounting nfs mounts) for the same reason because
the network is already online and so isn't brought online and so
doesn't run the if-up.d/* scripts.

However it is much worse if you manually try to "ifup eth0" and bring
the interface online manually.  That causes a catastrophic failure!
As far as I can see so far the first step in the process resets the
network to an offline state and then brings starts the process to
bring it back online.  But since it is nfs diskless and requires the
network the step bringing the network offline completely breaks the
machine and it is incapable of pulling itself out of the problem.  I
can't really tell what is happening at that level because things
become very unusable immediately but I think that is what is

Therefore I definitely do not recommend "dhcp".  Setting that to
"manual" avoids the potential breakage.  At least in that case you can
issue an "ifup eth0" okay.  It runs the scripts okay.  All is
reasonable.  Don't use a dhcp configuration for the main interface of
an nfs diskless node.  It is a killer.


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