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Re: "apt-get BUG" OR "OPERATOR Error"?

Andrei POPESCU wrote:
On Mi, 05 dec 12, 06:12:48, Richard Owlett wrote:

Could you elaborate on this? Is this a linux console or a graphical
screen with a terminal in the upper left corner?

It was "graphical screen with a terminal in the upper left corner".

Ok, this means you don't have any window manager/desktop environment
installed, but it's funny that you would get this result by installing
gnome-editor in the same run.

Also, are you sure it's a root terminal? You can tell by the prompt,
root by default has a '#', non-root users get a '$'. Or just run 'id' ;)

My error - it was for normal user. Gedit could be launched and apparently behaved normally.

Kind regards,

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