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Re: Installation

On Sun, September 9, 2012 6:05 am, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 9. September 2012 schrieb Weaver:
>> Nothing anywhere near as complex as an expert Debian install, which is
>> what I prefer now.
> You compare an *expert* Debian install with a regular Windows install?

No, I am saying that the expert install is what 'I' use now.
Even the fully 'automatic' install is more complex than a Windows install.

But this, again, is not what is being advocated.
I see nothing wrong with a small educational process being incorporated
into the install procedure.
> Not a fair comparison it seems to me.

That's because it wasn't the comparison being made.
> From what I read you can even install Debian to a fresh box by just
> hitting enter all the time. I never tried this, but you have even guided
> partitioning in the installer. So what?

Guided what?
First it is necessary to know what partitioning IS.
> I don´t think the Debian installer is that difficult. You do not have to
> use
> expert mode and I think beginners may be better off using the simple mode
> that asks less questions.

I am not advocating anything else.

> That said installers from SUSE, Fedora and Ubuntu might be more polished.
> But then the Ubuntu live cd installer - not the Debian installer from the
> alternative CD - couldn´t even speak LVM for quite a while and it can
> still not speak SoftRAID AFAIK and there are plans to drop the alternate
> installer nonetheless. I wouldn´t like to have that flexibility removed
> from the Debian installer. I think the SUSE installer can do both LVM and
> SoftRAID. I am sure about LVM. But not completely sure about SoftRAID. I
> think it can do it.

LVM is not involved.
The average end/home user would, in all likelihood, not even be interested
in LVM initially and for, probably, some considerable time after that.

As far as raid goes, in their mass-produced, single drive box, they are
not concerned with that either.
> Anyway, if you have concrete suggestions on how to improve the Debian
> installer why don´t you just file enhancement requests or make your
> suggestions / concerns to the Debian installer team?

Because I think that active discussions on these matters should be
conducted to eradicate as much error as possible before bothering
developers with what may well be an inane or unnecessary suggestion.

This is what lists are for.


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Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a
propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an
identified entity representing
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 The country behind this propaganda is the US . . ."
 -- Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook

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