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Re: unique install question? (Squeeze audio install using the Wheezy-di from a USB drive)

On Wednesday 13 June 2012 02:47:37 Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Rob,
> I do not work in most popular, because this may or may not mean most
> accessible from a screen reading standpoint, or more flexible from a
> usability standpoint...in my personal dictionary, there is no such thing
> as "most people."
> I am using pure dos  on my main computer for example, having never
> regarded windows as either a reasonable or practical way to run a
> computer, no matter how popular..but back to debian.
> case in point, I sing professionally and am a radio producer, for me there
> is no such thing as too many music players, smiles.
> Again if there were a list that one could review outside of the install
> process detailing the packages  and the images with which they were
> associated, you would have a point.  However without such a list to review
> in advance I would likely never discover other program options.
> If you know of such a list send away.
> Otherwise, the idea that I might find 20 music players  waiting on DVD4,
> means I will most certainly now  install everything to get to them lol!
> I seriously understand what you and the others are saying, but I am working
> with very limited information, and  have more than enough room on the
> 30gig hard
> drive I am using for all  of the packages.  Then I can choose so that for
> my next machine I can install less.

Karen, I hesitate to ask, since you are clearly so much worse off than I.  

I am partially sighted, and have great difficulty with your emails because the 
blocks are so large.  The largest block of text in this email is 14 lines, 
which is still problematic, but the largest block in your previous email was  
44 lines long. [ I didn't count myself, I got KWrite to do it. ;-) ]

I realise that you may not be able to do anything about it, and that you may 
not even know that you are doing it.  But if you do know that you are doing 
it, and would be able to do something about it, could you possibly?

I find your emails worth reading and am prepared to take some effort to read 
them.  And I could always copy and paste into a word processor and edit it.  
It's just that it would be nice not to have to do so.


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