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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

On 22/06/12 02:52 PM, Claudius Hubig wrote:
Hello Gary,

Gary Dale<garydale@rogers.com>  wrote:
It doesn't help testing since the point of packages in sid is
to get them to work with the current testing environment, not the
current unstable environment.
This is more or less obviously absolute bullshit. Running sid,
testing applications and reporting bugs against those packages does
help testing, especially since reporting these bugs early might even
stop the package from migrating to testing, keeping it release
critical bug free.

Best regards,

Again, the art of testing is to change one thing at a time. You can't do that when all the packages are in flux. Pulling particular packages from sid and testing them in the relative calm of testing is a much more easier way to isolate bugs.

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