Arnt Karlsen wrote:
On Wed, 2 May 2012 07:04:55 +0200, Jochen wrote in message <[🔎]>:Dennis Wicks:Greetings; I have a file that looks like the following in an ls list; -????????? ? ? ? ? ? Inbox.msf I can't do anything with it. Can't mv, rm, cp, or anything else I have thought of to get rid of it or write over it. Any ideas how I can get this thing out of my life??Fsck the filesystem...first, umount it right _now!_ ..if Inbox.msf is your email,...
That looks like a Mozilla SeaMonkey or Thunderbird mail _index_ file. If it is, it can be deleted and SeaMonkey/Thunderbird will re-create it (from the corresponding mail data file) the next time the corresponding mail folder is opened/viewed. In my experience (as a long-time Mozilla user and occasional mail file hacker--but _not_ developer or expert), the only thing the OP might lose is his or her choice of display order (by date vs. sender, etc., and whether threaded display or not). Daniel