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Re: sasl authentication failed

On Sat, 14 Jan 2012 15:26:30 -0500, tony baldwin wrote:

> On Sat, January 14, 2012 12:41 pm, Camale�n wrote:


>> Tony, I would forget about the SSL part until you have configured your
>> Postfix to be in a workable state (sending/receiving e-mails with no
>> errors). Afterwards, you can start to setup the SSL certificate but not
>> before.
> I do have it working now, but the cert is still wrong.

Okay, let's focus on that now.

>>> When I configured postfix, I gave it tonybaldwin.org tonybaldwin.org
>>> is what shows in my main.cf I do know understand why anything says
>>> vulcan.linode.com
>> This can come from SSL certificate file :-?
> yes, the cert says it is from vulcan.linode.com, while I am certain I
> have my hostname set as vulcan.tonybaldwin.org 

Your hostname (whatever is set to) has no effect on the SSL cert file. 
You have to ensure that you created the certificate with the correct data.

To see how it looks like you can:

openssl x509 -in /path/to/cert_file -noout -text

The "CN=" field has to be "vulcan.tonybaldwin.org", if not I would redo 
again that specific step:


Put special care when the openssl wizard asks for the "Common Name (eg, 
YOUR name) []:", here you have to write "vulcan.tonybaldwin.org".

> So, when I set up mutt at home, my laptop, etc., I see some error to
> the effect that the cert is from vulcan.linode.com, which disagrees
> with the host, vulcan.tonybaldwin.org.
> I just choose "(a) accept always", and it works, but it seems to me it
> would be better to have the cert correct.

Sure, having the SSL cert file with the right data on it :-P

However, unless you use a certificate coming from one of the authorized 
companies you will still see a warning about its validity when connecting 
from another computer.

> As far as the rest, it seems there was some ghost sendmail process
> hogging port 25.  I just killed that pid and restarted postfix and it
> works now.

I already read your lastest milestones for this saga, well done!



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