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trash directory path for KDE applications

Hello everyone,

I use digikam 1.2.0-7 and store my photos in the separate FS mounted to
the /home/photo

$ mount -l | grep

/dev/mapper/Home--Data-home on /home type jfs
(rw,nosuid,nodev,iocharset=utf8,usrquota,grpquota) [/home]
/dev/mapper/Home--Data-home_music on /home/Music type ext3
(rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,data=journal) [/home/Music]
/dev/mapper/Home--Data-home_photo on /home/photo type ext3
(rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,data=journal) [/home/photo]

After last dist-upgrade digikam move deleted photos to 
"~/.local/share/Trash". Moving files to another file system takes a long

How I can restore the old behavior when files are deleted in the
".Trash-UID" directory at the root of the filesystem?

Thank you in advance.

I use Debian Squeeze 6.0.3 and run digikam from Fvwm.

With Best Regards, Maksym Tiurin
JID:    MrKooll@jabber.pibhe.com
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