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Re: [OT] Why not gnome3 (with gnome-shell)?

Nate Bargmann,  5.11.2011:
> On a whim I installed GNOME 3 (shell and fallback) recently and gave it
> a spin.  Until I moved my xorg.conf out of the way both modes would fail
> upon startup.  When I did get them running the only possible
> configuration for the second monitor is as an extended desktop.  But
> there was no means that I could figure out to put a panel or do anything
> but simply drag an app to the second screen.  When GNOME shell was
> running, it was not intuitive and was extremely slow, to the point that

You probably don't mean this when you say "slow...locked up", but when
the switch happened on my machine the mouse pointer would freeze for a 
second or two before starting to move.  Finally I realized it happened 
because "disable touchpad when typing" had become set on its own.

> I thought it had locked up.  Fallback mode is a shell of its former
> GNOME 2 self.  Neither mode offered any sort of menu upon right-clicking
> the desktop or panel.  What do they think we have reverted to, an Apple
> single button mouse?  The loss of functionality/capability is insane.

FYI, if you press Alt along with clicking on the panel, you get a menu 
to make changes, though I haven't yet figured our how to add 
shortcuts to main menu items.  (IIRC, right clicking on iceweasel in the
menu would allow me to put a shortcut on the panel.  Now I can't do
that, even with Alt.)

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