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Re: bsd-mailx incompatibility?

Bob Proulx wrote:
> When I don't want to send mail I simply don't send mail.  I guess it
> is a little bit more work but I have done it so many times that I
> don't even think about it anymore.  I save the output to a temporary
> file and then check to see if the file is empty before sending it off
> in email.

Here is what I normally do.  Here is a skeleton script that creates a
temporary file, redirects all output there, then if there is output it
emails it off.  There are many ways to do this and I tinker it as



unset tmpfile
cleanup() {
  test -n "$tmpfile" && rm -f "$tmpfile"
trap "cleanup" EXIT
# This next is special handling needed for dash only.
trap "cleanup; trap - HUP; kill -HUP $$" HUP
trap "cleanup; trap - INT; kill -INT $$" INT
trap "cleanup; trap - QUIT; kill -QUIT $$" QUIT
trap "cleanup; trap - TERM; kill -TERM $$" TERM
# End dash special trap handling.

tmpfile=$(mktemp) || exit 1

exec </dev/null >$tmpfile 2>&1

echo "...do stuff here that may make output..."
echo "...do stuff here that may make output..."
echo "...do stuff here that may make output..."

exec >/dev/null 2>&1		# close previous output file

if [ -s "$tmpfile" ]; then
  # There was output.  Mail it.
  mailx -s "output from doing stuff" "$(whoami)" < "$tmpfile"

exit 0

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