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Re: A Bit of a Strange Situation

On 2011-08-26, RiverWind <riverwind@shellworld.net> wrote:
> If I am not mistaken, in order to run any script, it must be saved
> in a certain format. How is that done?

I just tried the following out and it seems to work quite well
(from Bob and Shane).

curty@einstein:~$ file=cookbook.txt
curty@einstein:~$ for chapternum in $(seq 1 45); do 
curl http://www.dsl.org/cookbook/cookbook_$chapternum.html | html2text >> $file; 

I just typed it all out at the command line as the command in its
present form seems to be more a less a one shot deal.  If you wanted to
make a script out of it, you'd put the following in a file, let's say

 for chapternum in $(seq 1 45); do 
 curl http://www.dsl.org/cookbook/cookbook_$chapternum.html | html2text >> $file;

Then make the file executable:

chmod +x get_cooking.sh

Then you either run it by typing "./get_cooking.sh" in the directory where
"get_cooking.sh" is located, or you put the file somewhere in your path
(I believe /usr/local/bin would be appropriate), and simply type
"get_coodking.sh" at the command line.

Anyway, I'm pretty ignorant and should've let somebody else pick up the

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