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Re: posting

"Roger B.A. Klorese" <rogerk@queernet.org> writes:

> On Jun 22, 2011, at 7:01 AM, lee wrote:
>> Hm, I wonder why anyone is going to the lengths of replying to digest
>> messages rather than just subscribing to the list ...
> So they don't need to get hundreds of separate messages?!

They get all the messages anyway, just not as seperate ones that could
be replied to.

>  Most people don't treat a digest as separate from a list, just an alternate subscription format. 

No doubt it´s an alternate subscription format --- a subscription format
not designed for replying to the messages in the digest.

> It's incumbent on those who own the technology to evolve digests so it's easier to reply to individual posts, not on readers to jump through hoops to reply.

You could as well claim that it is incumbent on those who run a mailing
list to give everyone who wants to participate in a mailing list access
to a suitable computer so that it´s easier for them to participate.

Since I think that when someone chooses to receive a mailing list as a
digest they have also made a decision for a format that isn´t designed
for replying to the messages posted to the list, I don´t see any
obligation for anyone to modify the format of the digest. At the same
time, I always appreciate it when more options become available.

Perhaps the digest can be turned into an mbox file without too much
effort, like just stripping the headers of the container-message, and
thus be treated as if the subscriber received the mailing list not as a
digest but as single messages?

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