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Re: Waking from the Dead

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Tom Allison <tom@tacocat.net> wrote:
This just got harder.
I'm trying to just do a reinstall but I only have a macbook to work from.
And the installation media can only be a USB drive.

I am having all kinds of trouble getting an ISO image onto the USB that will work.

I can 'cat debian.iso > /dev/disk1s1' well enough.
And the machine will recognize the disk at start up, but it never sees it as a bootable device and just hangs.

Many of the other instructions are assuming you have a working linux box, which I don't.  The files/packages I need to download to build a bootable image I don't have and I can not get either -- apt-get is locked up on dependencies that I'm unable to resolve.

First: when I download a ISO for the Debian netinst image it's reported as 'unable to open' on mac.
"no mountable file systems" is the exact error.

Don't top post. Don't use cat either, try dd if=/image.iso of=/disk1s1. You will need to first turn the boot magic-bit on, w/ a/ sysctl cmd (I know it works in *bsd, not sure about OS X.

> A: Yes. > >Q: Are you sure? > >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation. 
> >>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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