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Re: Openjdk vs. sun-java in Debian

On 2011-04-22, Klistvud <quotations@aliceadsl.fr> wrote:
> Howdie, fellow Debianites!
> I need somebody to explain to me in lay terms what's "wrong" with Java  
> in Debian. I'm running Squeeze and have recently bumped into two  
> Java-related issues:
> 1. The site http://ndt.switch.ch/ warns me about a missing Java Runtime  
> Environment and prompts me to install it. I checked with aptitude, and  
> sure enough, openjdk-6-jre is installed.

You will need the browser plugin as well as the JRE. See the table in
http://wiki.debian.org/Java for the available options. If you can
tolerate non-free software, then I recommend sun-java6-plugin.

> 2. The game  
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/bp2k6/files/Bolzplatz%202006/Bolzplatz%202006%20v1.0.3/  
> won't work, and I'm far too ignorant of Java to find out what exactly  
> I'm missing. Is it that I'm running 64-bit and the game is 32-bit? Or  
> do I need a particular plugin? Or perhaps just a symlink to the right  
> binary somewhere? Or the proprietary Java from Sun? Or something else?

Same reason as above, I suspect.

> Also, in general, how can I know when something Java-related won't  
> work, is it the fault of the open Java I'm using or some wrong  
> configuration somewhere in my system?

Hard to say. But you can investigate each incident by switching between
Java installations using /usr/sbin/update-java-alternatives (from the
java-common package).

> Is there any simple, yet good howto on this?

I haven't found a howto which is both simple and good. A lot of
documentation is available, but most of it is complicated and a lot of
it is obsolete.

Liam O'Toole
Cork, Ireland

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