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dreaded ethernet device renaming

I mean really, why does the system still do stupid sh*t like this.

  renamed network interface eth0 to eth3

Why oh why !  It was already eth0, what possible reason could it have
to go rename it.

oh and by the way, just to be maximally annoying, it most certainly
decieds to name it something else every once in a while...

Regardless, here's my udev line which does NOT work.


I've triple-checked the mac address.

Nor does the instructions in the wiki page work:

KERNEL==”eth*”, SYSFS{address}==”00:12:34:fe:dc:ba”, NAME=”eth0″

SYSFS  is wrong...
My guess is that NAME doesn't work either, but I can't figure out what
to use in it's place

Could some kind soul put me on the path to enlightenment ?

Thank you,


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