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RE: Assistance for Visually Impaired Student

Hi all,

I have to way in here as I am a blind debian user and top posting is easier
for us as we can read with are screen readers a ;ott;e and go threw the
message to see the context of the whole message if that makes sense

-----Original Message-----
From: der.hans [mailto:deb-user@LuftHans.com] 
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 1:44 AM
To: chris@roaima.co.uk
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Assistance for Visually Impaired Student

Am 07. Mar, 2011 schwätzte Chris Davies so:

moin moin Chris,

This will be an experiment as I usually reply inline :).

I believe top-posting, rather than inline replies, is easier for the blind
for two reasons.

The first is probably mostly tech in that the screen readers don't
understand the context of >, >>, etc. Send /etc/motd or the output of uname
-a to festival to experience the issue :).

The second issue is probably the bigger one. A blind person can't just
glance at the previous text and those of us who reply inline tend to depend
on that context for our responses to make sense.

I agree that just top-posting without any context is generally not helpful
to either the sighted or the non-sighted :).

By top-posting with appropriate context in the reply we make it easier to
just read the new content.



> owens@netptc.net wrote:
>> P.S.  I am top-posting to emphasize my appreciation.
> You also wrote in another article that it's (apparently) easier for 
> visually impaired readers for people to top-post. Please excuse my 
> curiosity, but why wouldn't the inclusion of some context to show the 
> points being discussed be unhelpful for those who are visually impaired?
> I can understand that the inclusion of an entire message simply to add 
> two or three lines of comment at the bottom is unhelpful. It's 
> unhelpful to visual readers, too, and misses the point of top or 
> bottom posting entirely.
> Thanks,
> Chris

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