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Re: Trouble PXE Boot After Kernel Starts Loading

This turned out to be something completely different and, it turns out, something VERY poorly documented.

To communicate with the Soekris system, I need to use a serial cable and the program screen.  It turns out that the baud rate is changed during the install unless you specify a baud rate in 3 different places.  What was happening was that when the baud rate changed, rather than getting garbage on the screen, I was getting nothing, so it didn't seem like a baud issue.


On Feb 15, 2011, at 3:17 AM, Hal Vaughan wrote:

> I have a Soekris Net5501 and I'm using tftp to boot pxelinux.0 and, ultimately, from there, I want to install Squeeze.
> First, I have to thank Debian, since the PXE boot explanation (sorry, lost the link from earlier) was a very good explanation on how to set up PXE.  But since it was for Etch, I searched and also found an excellent one by Andy Smith here:
> http://andys.org.uk/wiki/Guide:PXE_network_booting_Debian_install
> that includes Squeeze.  I think it should be pointed out that there is excellent documentation out there for this.
> Now, on to where I'm stuck, which is, I think, more a part of the normal boot process.  I have the directory tree like this:
> tftpboot/debian/squeeze/i386/linux
> tftpboot/debian/squeeze/i386/initrd.gz
> tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
> tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/boot.txt
> It boots the kernel, but then I get:
> Probing EDD (edd=off to disable)... ok
> And after that, it freezes and I get nothing.  The default config file, in full, is after my signature (it's longer, and I don't think it's the issue).  I added "edd=off" to each kernel line in that config file because it was freezing up with the same message and suspected it was because (as best I know), there is no Enhanced Disk Drive.  But then there's the "... ok" after it, which makes me think the edd issue isn't why it's freezing.
> Is this due to the edd probe (in which case the "edd=off" isn't working for some reason)?
> If not, what should I check next?
> As best I know, while people have put all other versions of Debian on a Soekris Net5501, I haven't seen anything to tell me for sure people have yet successfully installed Squeeze on on.  I'd rather not have to step back, since that would mean re-doing a number of systems later for updates.  While that would not be for a while, of course, I'd like to be able to work from the latest version of Debian possible.
> Thanks for any insight into this.
> Hal
> -------------------
> tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default:
> -------------------
> DISPLAY boot.txt
> DEFAULT squeeze_i386_install
> LABEL squeeze_i386_install
>       kernel debian/squeeze/i386/linux edd=off
>       append vga=normal initrd=debian/squeeze/i386/initrd.gz  --
> LABEL squeeze_i386_linux
>       kernel debian/squeeze/i386/linux edd=off
>       append vga=normal initrd=debian/squeeze/i386/initrd.gz  --
> LABEL squeeze_i386_expert
>       kernel debian/squeeze/i386/linux edd=off
>       append priority=low vga=normal initrd=debian/squeeze/i386/initrd.gz  --
> LABEL squeeze_i386_rescue
>       kernel debian/squeeze/i386/linux edd=off
>       append vga=normal initrd=debian/squeeze/i386/initrd.gz  rescue/enable=true --
> -- 
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