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Re: Help with my Squeeze upgrade! (missing fonts)

On Thu, 10 Feb 2011 06:39:47 -0800, Erin Brinkley wrote:

> Camaleón:
>> Err, wait.
>> as fasr as I understand it, "/etc/fonts/local.conf" should contain the
>> path to the font you have installed, so you should define there
>> something like (this is from a lenny box, YMMV):
> No, Camaleón, you misunderstand.
> My /etc/fonts/local.conf DOES have a path to /usr/local/share/fonts,
> which is the ONLY place where I place my "local" fonts (special fonts
> that I install myself).


But the truetype font you are trying to be recognized is not placed 
there, right? So, how can be X aware of that font if it's not in its 
path? :-?

> The missing fonts in question are NOT local fonts. They are from various
> Debian packages. For instance, the fonts contained in the "context"
> package, and installed in the /usr/share/texmf/fonts/truetype/
> directory. They're NOT local at all. And they used to work and be
> accessible in X. And then I went from Lenny to Squeeze and all of a
> sudden they are unknown to X. I'm trying to figure out how in the world
> I can get X (Defoma, etc) to see and recognize them!


Look at Debian's Defoma wiki, maybe you can find any clue there:


Also, you could test it with a new created user to see how it goes.


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