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Re: stardict dictionary packages.

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 03:14:48PM +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
> Thank You for Your time and answer, Freeman:
> > The dictd dictionaries on my system don't work but the tarballs of
> > the same dictionaries from yeelou.com do. I kind of like stardict.
> > Once it is running, it is as fast as dictd at the command line.
> Am I correct to suppose that in order to use qstardict I have to look
> myself for the dictionaries or its updates on the Internet - that
> there is no Debian packages of the dictionaries for qstardict?

When I opened stardict, it returned an error that no dictionaries were found
and it gave the url I mentioned.

I downloaded the compressed dictionaries from the dictd collection there
and, as root, extracted them to the directory described,
/usr/share/stardict/dic .

Works well.


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