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Re: Debian on EEE -- really nice, but how can I resize windows which already seem to be at their minimal size?

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Klistvud <quotations@aliceadsl.fr> writes:

> Devilspie might help you out if you're willing to give it a try (and if  
> it works under your particular window manager). It's a utility to  
> resize/reposition windows as soon as they are created.

Okay, I played around with devilspie, and, using


in `all.ds', and executing `devilspie -d' displayed the names of the
windows, and undecorated all of them, as expected. Let's now
reconsider the previous windows I was speaking about. Here is a new
screenshot of it:
http://www.student.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~merciadri/FPM2.png. You may
notice that the button now appears correctly. However, I think that it
is not possible to configure devilpsie so that every window which has
an overall height bigger than a given threshold (i.e. height >
threshold) looses its decorations (i.e. (undecorate) is applied to
Is it possible?

And if the window is too big, even devilspie's trick will not be
useful anymore. It is likely to be the case in some windows. In these
cases, what should I do?


- -- 
Merciadri Luca
See http://www.student.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~merciadri/
- -- 

Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.
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