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detect ethernet card?

I have a PC with built-in ethernet support. When I installed lenny, I didn't 
have network connectivity (I didn't have my external networking hardware 
yet), so I just chose "no network" to make the installer stop pestering me 
about ethernet detection, updates and so on. The installation went fine.

Now I have all my networking hardware in place, and it works (tested with 
another computer). I want to add network functionality to my lenny-PC, but I 
can't bring eth0 up with "ifup eth0":

#ifup eth0
SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
Bind socket to interface: No such device
Failed to bring up eth0.

lspci -v sees the ethernet chip on the mainboard though. At least it tells me 
the precise model number. I can load the kernel module ("e1000") for this 
ethernet chip or not, the error message stays the same.

It's not a DNS problem, ping (to a numerical address) fails.

I tried googling, and there are plenty of occurences of this error message, 
but on every single google link the problem is due to virtualization (VMWare 
mostly). Whereas in my case there is no virtualization involved. It's root on 
the console in my case. So google found nothing helpful.

How do I repeat the "install network" part of the installer?

I configured /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname and /etc/network/interfaces.

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