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Re: building 2.6.35


>>> On Fri, 13 Aug 2010 13:27:50 -0400 (EDT), Arthur Machlas wrote:
>> The only issues I ran into when building headers via make-kpkg where as follows,
>> Make sure you use the same "-append-to-version -stuff-here" line as
>> you do when building your kernel, or they wont match up and it wont
>> find the k-headers.
>> And, I have found that the packages made by make-kpkg are setting the
>> wrong "/lib/modules/<kernel version>/build" symlink, pointing it to my
>> the dir where i build the kernel rather than the correct
>> /usr/src/<kernel headers> dir.
>> (I think i need to bug report the 2nd, but I don't know if its
>> something I am doing wrong).
>> This is the line i used to build my last load of headers,
>> # make-kpkg kernel_headers --append-to-version -2.6.35amd64-bfq-iowait -j3
> You can just put them all on the same line, i.e.,
> make-kpkg --append-to-version -2.635amd64_custom kernel_image
> kernel_headers kernel_source

Thanks for that! Will save me quite a bit of time.

> I don't use the -j3 switch, and I don't think that -j3 switch works
> like you think it does when using make-kpkg, at least, not if that's
> meant to utilize multiple processors when building. I'm at work right
> so this is all from memory, but I think the correct way to do it is to
> do
> where the number you provide is 1 + the number of processors you have.
> So if you have a duo-core, it's 3. If a single processor it would be
> two. And so forth. I seem to recall something in the make-kpkg
> documentation saying not to use the -j switch.

As far as i know, -j3 sets that option just for this instance of
make-kpkg, I think i got it off the man page!

Oh here we go:

man kpkg

 --jobs  number
              -j  number Set the  environment  variable  CONCURRENCY_LEVEL  to

I have a quad but use -j3 as I have to run other cpu heavy tasks while
compiling and that stops my whole computer from slowing right down!

> Hopefully someone will correct me or provide more authoritative
> sources than this sorry excuse for a memory I have.
> As for your sources bug being symlinked incorrectly, I think I can
> confirm, however it hasn't negatively affected anything. Things still
> build properly against the headers / sources on custom kernels even
> when the build directory in my home dir is removed. But yes, I'm
> pretty sure I've seen warnings about it not being able to find sources
> in /home/arthur/linux/kernel/2.6.35/, though they are just strange
> warnings and I haven't bothered looking into it further since
> everything seems to still work fine.

I had problems building both the nvidia blob and the vbox kernel
modules unless i fixed the symlink.

> Best,
> AM



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