Re: Could a Lenny upgrade break GnuCash 2.2.6-2?
On Mon, 2010-07-05 at 10:25 -0400, Ken Heard wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> The version of GnuCash provided with Lenny is 2.2.6-2, maintained by
> Thomas Bushnell. I have been using this GnuCash version for two years,
> but after a Lenny upgrade I did yesterday it would no longer load.
> Included in that upgrade was replacement of libglib2.0-0 version 2.16.0
> to version 2.22.4-1 from Lenny-backports. While GnuCash 2.2.6-2 calls
> for libglib2.0-0 equal to or higher than 2.16.0 -- the version from the
> Lenny repository -- it is possible that 2.22.4 could be too advanced for
> GnuCash 2.2.6-2?
> As I see it I have two options:
> 1. Reinstall the 2.16.0 version of libglib2.0-0, to see whether
> GnuCash will install again; or
> 2. Install the latest stable version of GnuCash -- 2.2.9 -- to see
> whether it will deign to run with version 2.22.4-1 of libglib2.0-0.
> The disadvantages of (1) are that it may break other packages which now
> require libglib2.0-0 2.22.4-1 after the upgrade, and that I would have
> to learn how to replace a higher version of a package with a lower one
> without having aptitude remove all other packages which depend on
> libglib2.0-0.
> The disadvantage of (2) is that as GnuCash 2.2.9 is apparently only
> available in source form, and I do not (yet?) know how to compile.
> I would appreciate comments, advice, etc. Also, does anybody know
> whether GnuCash 2.2.9 is available compiled as a Debian Lenny package?
> Regards, Ken Heard
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> SY8An2peYWkRYELQi8XGwUvPsZG/18tT
> =nYnv
Yes, indeed it breaks. We learned that the hard way. We repackaged it
using the newer source. I do not know how we submit such repacking for
backports but here are the steps we took to make it happen (edited to
protect internal information:
As root, install the needed packages for building
apt-get -t lenny-backports install devscripts build-essential
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list by adding a Lenny Backports source repository such as the following:
deb-src lenny-backports main contrib non-free
Make apt aware of the repository:
apt-get update
Other steps MUST not be done by root so we need another user console to do the following steps.
We will need the 2.2.6 source deb to have all the various settings and options used by debian.
These will be in the debian directory and is really all we need from the source deb. We will store this in gnucash-2.2.6
We will also need the 2.2.9 source tarball. We will store this in gnucash which will become the deb build directory
mkdir /download/gnucash
mkdir /download/gnucash-2.2.6
cd /download/gnucash-2.2.6
apt-get -t lenny-backports source gnucash gnucash-common
We need to install dependencies and this must be done as root so return to the root console and do:
cd /download/gnucash-2.2.6
apt-get -t lenny-backports build-dep gnucash gnucash-common
Return to the user console
cd /download/gnucash
tar jfvx gnucash-2.2.9.tar.bz2
mv gnucash{-,_}2.2.9.tar.bz2
mv gnucash_2.2.9{,.orig}.tar.bz2 - This is the name format debuild will expect
cd gnucash-2.2.9
cp -r ../../gnucash-2.2.6/gnucash-2.2.6/debian ./
cd debian
The changelog is more than information; it is critical for debuild processing.
Add something similar to the following at the top (the syntax is very fussy)
gnucash (2.2.9-0) stable; urgency=high
* 2.2.6 segfaults with libglib from lenny-backports
-- John Sullivan <> Sat, 27 Mar 2010 19:18:00 -0500
Edit the control file and edit the two Replaces lines so they read:
Replaces: gnucash-common (<< 2.2.6-3)
Replaces: gnucash (<< 2.2.6-3)
Edit the files file so it reads:
gnucash-common_2.2.9-0_all.deb gnome optional
gnucash_2.2.9-0_amd64.deb gnome optional
debuild will complain about the -0 but I do not want to give it -1 in case the real 2.2.9 package is -1 when it is released.
cd ..
debuild -us -uc
cd ..
The two .deb files should be in this directory and can be installed where needed
Any corrections to the process are welcome as I am by no means an
expert. Hope this helps - John
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