Re: Connecting to the exterior network is impossible `directly'
On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 10:39:16AM +0100, Michal wrote:
> On 02/07/2010 10:27, Merciadri Luca wrote:
>> No. That's not at all a proxy. Once you power on the computer, and that
>> you want to use Internet, say by Firefox, you are directly redirected to
>> a webpage which asks you your university login& your university
>> password. Once you have entered this stuff, you are logged on the
>> network, and everything is okay. That's a little bit like ADSL where you
>> need to type credentials before using the Internet (at the opposite of
>> the cable).
>> :-(
>> Thanks.
> you can only use a browser then? You can't use other applications?
> This sounds like the sort of system they have a hotels and such
> like...but there are ways to get around way was even put in
> a Linux magazine a few weeks ago. Have a search around
I think the solution was to use opendns servers in /etc/resolv.conf.
The reason it works is that, according to the article I read, many of
these captive portal systems work by not giving you a dns server until
you enter your credentials. If you manually specify your own dns
server, you can avoid entering your credentials.
I've never tested it, but I know that the captive portal systems I've seen give you an IP
address before you enter your credentials. In fact, they have to give
you an IP address otherwise you couldn't get to the "credentials"
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