Re: Where is the Xorg.conf - to setup XKB layouts on Squeeze?
Javier Vasquez <> writes:
> On 6/6/10, Paul Chany <> wrote:
>> Javier Vasquez <> writes:
>>> xorg.conf accepts the following server flags:
>>> Section "ServerFlags"
>>> Option "AutoAddDevices" "False"
>>> Option "AllowEmptyInput" "False"
>>> EndSection
>>> If you have them, then you must specify the keyboard and mouse
>>> configurations on xorg.conf, and xorg won't autodetect them through
>>> whether hal or udev, but only will use what is specified under
>>> xorg.conf.
>> Now when I have beside /etc/default/keyboard
>> ***
>> XKBMODEL="pc105"
>> XKBLAYOUT="hu,hr,cs"
>> XKBVARIANT="nodeadkeys"
>> ***
>> the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file too
>> ***
>> Section "InputDevice"
>> Identifier "Keyboard0"
>> Driver "kbd"
>> Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
>> Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
>> Option "XkbLayout" "hu,hr,cs"
>> Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"
>> EndSection
>> ***
>> I try out that that I rename xorg.conf so Xorg not to find it at start
>> and keep the /etc/default/keyboard file only. After I rebooted I get the
>> multi layout XWindow system wit Hungaruan, Croatian and Serbian Cyrillic
>> languages.
>> However I have installed hal but that isn't necessary to get this setup
>> to work, right?
> Well I don't know. it depends on the Xorg version you have. Some
> time back autodetection was using hal for that purpose. Newer Xorg
> uses udev. If the Xorg you're using relies on hal, you need it (I
> presume you can try uninstalling, then if it's not a dependency things
> will still work, and if it it, you'll have to reinstall it, perhaps
> even xorg-server will uninstall if hal is a dependency)...
I have installed xserver-xorg version 1:7.5+6
I have now uninstalled hal and fookb-wmaker still may switch xkeyboard
Paul Chany
You can freely correct my English.
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