Re: Where is the Xorg.conf - to setup XKB layouts on Squeeze?
Phil Requirements <> writes:
> On 2010-06-04 20:20:32 +0200, Wolodja Wentland wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 20:03 +0200, Paul Chany wrote:
>> > Unfortunately for this I have to have setup XKeyboard layouts in
>> > xorg.conf. I had this setup on Debian Lenny because there is the file
>> > /etc/X11/Xorg.conf but here on Squeeze I can't find any Xorg.conf.
>> If you *need* a Xorg.conf there is no harm in creating one and *all*
>> user configuration should happen in there. (as opposed to arcane
>> udev/hal rules). Take a look at [1] if you want more information. :)
> Yes, you need to create a simple xorg.conf, because they aren't
> used by default. I had to create xorg.conf on my system to specify
> some keyboard options. It works nicely.
For me the command X -configure doesn't works, because the system hangs
What do you command use for xorg.conf to get it?
Or, maybe it is there another way (udev rules maybe) to setup xkeyboard
Paul Chany
You can freely correct my English.
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