Re: FSCK seems angry with my filesystem
On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 00:53:20 +0000, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Jun 2010 11:38:28 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:
>> Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
>>> If you don't unmount it, e2fsck will complain. If need be, boot from a
>>> rescue disk to do so - but I'm assuming that it's not the root (/)
>>> filesystem, or you wouldn't have got this far.
>> It will complain, but will it impede its `functioning'?
> It could impede its functioning if anything at all is written to the
> disk while it is being checked. I can imagine it resulting in
> everything from nothing to minor problems to indescribable chaos.
> Don't go there if you value your data.
And, of course, although I risk sounding like a broken record for saying
this yet again, when you've got this fixed, make sure you have a backup
of all your data.
But if you already have a backup, don't overwrite it with anew one until
you've fixed the problem and are sure that what you're backing up is
correct. It might even be worth dong a diff --recursive --brief (or
something similar depending on how your backup works) between your file
system and your backup and checking that the files that have changed are
the ones you expect to have changed...
-- hendrik
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