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Re: Lite SMTP server/daemon

[Replying to my own message.]

On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 15:12:24 -0400
Celejar <celejar@gmail.com> wrote:


> Hm, I had thought that at least some of the small, relaying MTAs
> accepted connections on port 25.  On closer perusal, it looks like they
> don't.
> One option would be to build your own version of one of the big ones,
> with all unnecessary functionality excluded.  I don't know what the
> resulting binary size would be.

I was sufficiently intrigued by the (apparent) absence of a simple MTA
that does the above, so I decided to write my own: Tmta.  It actually
works, and is documented, although it's still pretty much in the
proof-of-concept stage:


One important thing that it does *not* (yet?) do is fork; it's currently
implemented as a basic, single-threaded daemon, so it can only accept
one connection at a time.  It shouldn't be too difficult (famous last
words ...) to convert into a multi-threaded model, although I have no
experience with that sort of thing.

It is still small, though - under 70 lines of actual Perl code,
although it does, of course, require the basic Perl installation and
about a half-dozen other modules.

If anyone has any feedback, or suggestions for improvement, I'd love
to hear them.

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