unexpected problem with icedove : hundred of storaged mails no longer have a body !
Hi to Everyone !
What a surprise ! I have been using Thunderbird and Icedove for so
long, that it had never crossed my mind that I could suddenly lose mail.
I have version (20090706) running on Lenny. More details below :
My "Inbox" folder in "Local Folders" holds 2702 mails dated from january
2007 to now. Up to very recently - no more than a few days ago - I could
double-click to any line subject to display the message content.
Alternatively, I could right click once and choose "open message in new
window". This would work no matter how old the message was.
Today, I have found that I can no longer display any message content
that is dated further back than february 12th, that is, two weeks ago or
so. The subject lines are still there, but any attempt to display the
content only show an empty window. This does not only apply to a few
messages, but to all of them in this folder, except the very recent
ones. In short, out of my 2702 storaged messages, I can only read the 60
more recent ones, more than 2640 are lost or their bodies have
disappeared into thin air
Strange enough, the other folders that I have on my "icedove" do not
seem to be affected with that problem. I have a number of such folders,
with subfolders : about 40 of them... this is nothing new, as I have
operated my Thunderbird/Icedove versions like this for several years,
without any trouble so far. Amongst those "other" folders, one of them,
which is a subfolder of "Inbox", holds 3122 storaged mails, with all
bodies still available, the older one dating back to 2007 too.
I have tried closing Icedove and starting it again, I even tried
rebooting my computer, to no avail.
Thanks in advance for your clues and advices.
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