Re: Fresh Debian Install w/o Exim?
On Tuesday 02 March 2010 13:17:27 Carlos Williams wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 3:27 AM, Lisi <> wrote:
> > type
> > aptitude install nullmailer
> > in a root konsole. Press <enter>.
> > Lisi
> Yes I understand now but as I stated before that installing Postfix,
> Sendmail, or any other alternative MTA has no impact on the real
> problem at hand. What ever MTA you choose to install, APT auto removes
> Exim but leaves tons of files and directories behind. For some this is
> no big deal but when you're an OCD Linux administrator, any rogue or
> orphaned files like this drive you crazy.
> If you did any kind of install, Exim is installed and when you attempt
> to install any alternative MTA, APT will auto remove Exim but leaves
> you with clutter. Also if you decide to 1st manually remove Exim from
> Debian using the '--purge' option, it still leaves behind all this
> mess.
You could always reinstall choosing the most basic system, than carefully
choose only the applications you actually want ands install them one by one.
And you could do aptitude -s before actually installing anything, so things
won't get pulled in that you would rather not have! You ought then to be
able to have a system pure/clean enough to gladden the heart of the most C of
OCD Linux administrators. ;-)
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