Camaleón wrote, on 03/02/10 21:52:
On Wed, 03 Feb 2010 00:30:47 -0500, Frank McCormick wrote:Camaleón wrote:Mmm... I think "LABEL" would take precedence over another mount option<<(UUID, ID or PATH) so if you "tag" your media device with a LABEL, itshould be mounted when plugged under "/media/mylabel".Well Label didn't work in my case either - I gave the USB drive a label of Music...then changed fstab to the LABEL=Music from /dev/sda1 The drive did not get mounted and I had to go back to /dev/sda1 But as long as /dev/sda1 is used, there is no fsck of the drive.You should not list your devices in fstab if you want to make use of your DE hotplug capabilities.Greetings,
As I just posted in another message in this thread, I'd like the USB flash drive to be automatically mounted after fsck if the drive is present at boot-up and automatically mounted without fsck if plugged in after the machine is booted.
I would also like the machine to boot fully if it is started without the USB flash drive present.
Any takers for suggestions? Arthur.