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Re: Undefined video mode number: 314 --- OT question

On 20100113_115748, Stephen Powell wrote:
> On 2010-01-13 at 07:18:51 -0500, Stanis??aw T. Findeisen wrote:
> > What are those sync frequency ranges?
> The sync frequency ranges that the X server assumes for a
> non-EDID monitor when nothing is specified for them

--- snip all the interesting stuff about monitors and video cards ---

> card and monitor combination.  Congratulations.
> I don't know about you, but my eyes cannot detect any noticeable
> flicker at a 75 Hz vertical refresh rate.

Flicker and perception of flicker interest me as a scientific problem:
Is the maximum perceived flicker frequency a property of the optic
nerves in the retina, or is it the result of some frequency filtering
or data averaging in the nerves of the visual cortex?

If it is a feature/function of the visual cortex then one might
expect that there could be fatigue of the visual system from
the activity of removal even though there is no conscious knowledge
that flicker was there in the raw input signal. OTOH, if the raw
signal simply has a upper-half-power frequency in the range of a
few tens of hertz, then there should be no excess mental activity
and no fatigue. 

Conventional wisdom is that if you can't see it, it can't harm you
--- but I wonder. 

A different way of putting my question is: Is it really your eyes that
cannot detect, or is it that you mind that cannot perceive the

Any thoughts on this? Seems like there could be an experimental study
of this issue. Has it been done? 

Paul E Condon           

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