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live cd/usb projects?

Will try to make long story short here, I know I probably just need a larger drive to accommodate a full distro but I can't afford to right now. I have been reading but unsure of the outcome, being pulled into other directions. I also wanted to ask somethings before I start.

I've been looking around to find a good desktop replacement style live cd. I know I need to just spend some more money on a larger usb thumbdrive but in this economy who can blame me for trying to get most bang for my buck?

My thumbdrive is a biometric (as in fingerprint reader) 2gb drive. It partitions the "safe" data aside from public files. I want to repartition it to allow roughly 512-768mb for Linux - in this case less is better!

Perhaps I'm picky and I'll be the first to admit that. My ideal is of course Debian and apt-get/deb. The Debian/xfce live cd is ok @ 400mb but I'd like to shrink it or keep it same size with my preferred apps. The remaster guide is straight forward - similar to my knoppix (except back then it was cloop). I have also looked at other live cd scripts like the one slax uses [http://www.linux-live.org/] and the ones listed in Debian repo. I'm cautious because the Debian scripts (SEEM) to be no longer maintained, and the slax scripts are designed for Slackware

I wonder first how many has done what I'm looking to do? Are there some people using linux-live script to make one, or another method? Am I making things to difficult? I mean are my expectation on size too much? Are there projects like this (maintained)? My ideal cd is a "desktop replacement", I could use xfce, openbox, fluxbox, e17 - ANYTHING. I want things like internet apps (web, email, ftp, irc, im, torrent), picture and documents, archive maker/extractor and if possible multimedia (music, video). A few Linux apps like vnc, gparted or rescue apps, console would be nice but not necessary -- (why I want apt-get)

Any help, comments are welcome. If there are some discussions elsewhere please let me know or if you want to chat with me off list. I'm sorry the size of the email but I wanted to "show my work", I have looked around and read some sites about this.

Thanks for reading

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